Early bird registration is now open for the Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network National Rural Health Conference.
This year’s theme, “Empowerment”, will shine a spotlight on strategies and success stories that enable rural communities and health professionals to take charge of their health and create a sustainable future. With a diverse range of sessions, thought-provoking speakers, and unparalleled networking opportunities, this is an event you won’t want to miss. The National Rural Health Conference offers something for everyone.
Read more and register on the National Rural Health Conference website.
Heath Te Aroha is embracing te reo in a big way. We had a chat with practice manager Dwayne Stewart about this impressive effort.
Read moreRural practices who applied for the Rural ACC contract should have received a signed agreement from ACC confirming your contract number and effective start date (1 July 2024). If your practice provides out of hours services, remember to reply to ACC to activate the ‘After Hours Codes’ which are paid at a higher rate in Table 3. You have to ‘opt in’ to have this table activated.
Read moreThis service is designed to ensure low acuity presentations to Taranaki Base Hospital are actively redirected back to primary care.
View detailsPinnacle is a recertification programme provider partner for designated registered nurse prescribers in community health (RNPCH).