Best Start kōwae are a suite of best practice based assessment modules designed to improve quality care throughout the pregnancy and postpartum journey. They are designed to support consistent, comprehensive, and quality care by promoting enquiry, management, and referral to support services. The modules are designed with a pro-equity approach for Māori hapū māmā and pēpī Māori.
The form to complete the modules is embedded into MedTech Evolution, MedTech32, My Practice and indici PMS.
Your Pinnacle Services Contract applies to this service. By claiming for this service, you have indicated that you have read and agreed to the business rules set out here.
This is NOT a clinical guideline.
Any Pinnacle practice that installs the Best Start pregnancy kōwae.
Wellbeing, equity, and child health are key government priorities. Improving equity for Māori hapū māmā and pēpī Māori is part of the core-design of the Best Start kōwae.
The point of difference for Best Start pregnancy is the built-in decision support, enabling identification of issues and early intervention, which ultimately will improve health and wellbeing outcomes for hāpū māmā and pēpī.
There are three touch-points over the completion of four assessments.
Pinnacle practices who use MedTech32, MedTech Evolution and My Practice can easily install BSP using the guides outlined in resources (Best start resources).
Pinnacle practices using indici PMS will see a rocket icon which will launch the modules.
The tool has comprehensive security measures to ensure protection of patients according to best practice.
It is recommended for that the practice sets up Best Start pregnancy as a 'company' to enable reconciliation against payments received from National Health Coalition via Pinnacle. Please contact the NHC implementation lead (details below) if you have any issues during this process.
Best Start pregnancy can be used for all pregnant women. There are incentive payments available to all health providers who complete the assessment with pregnant Māori women and/or Māori babies.
There are no exclusions to this service.
At completion of each Best Start kōwae assessment.
The Gen2040 project is providing incentive payments for all health providers completing the modules with pregnant Māori women and/or Māori babies. There are no incentive payments for non-Māori.
Important notes on incentive payments
Not applicable.
There is no cost to using the Best Start kōwae. Health providers can freely access and use the assessment.
This service is funded by the National Hauora Coalition.
Best Start writes a short consult note confirming that a Best Start Pregnancy Assessment has been completed.
For install and implementation issues please contact:
Cheryl Fenwick Evans, implementation lead, National Hauora Coalition.
For any business as usual queries post implementation of Best Start please contact:
Helen Connors, Clinical services manager - child health
027 665 5515
Best Start Pregnancy Kōwae are a suite of best practice based assessment modules designed to improve quality care throughout the pregnancy journey. The modules are designed with a pro-equity approach for Māori hapū māmā and pēpī Māori.
The Ministry of Health introduced changes to the claiming process for maternity services in November 2021. PMS systems have been updated to reflect these changes and this will go a long way to guide providers to through the new claims available.
Read moreDue to a staff vacancy, less Sexual Health Clinic appointments are currently available. Referrals from general practice are still welcomed, but please be aware patients requiring biopsy may need to be waitlisted for service. Alternatively they could be referred to other services such as dermatology, gynaecology or urology. View the updated opening hours here.
This programme is available for women with diabetes in pregnancy who need to start insulin and have been referred by the diabetes in pregnancy team.
View detailsACC, the Ministry of Health, the Health Quality & Safety Commission and Foetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome New Zealand are encouraging health professionals to discuss the benefits and risks of taking antiepileptic medicine during pregnancy.