In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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The annual performance report reflects on the progress of our strategic goals and performance against key system level and organisational measures, and profiles some of the accomplishments, highlights, challenges and milestones during the year.
View resourceThis annual performance report provides an overview of some of Pinnacle's key highlights, challenges and milestones during the 2022-2023 year.
This annual performance report is a comprehensive summary of the highlights, challenges, milestones and discoveries experienced by Pinnacle during the 2021-2022 year.
View resourceKey stats for the Trust including an except of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2020.
Key stats for the Trust including an except of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2016.
Key stats for the Trust including an except of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2017.
Key stats for the Trust including an except of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2018.
Read the The Pinnacle General Practice Workforce Survey 2023 and Workforce Report 2023:
Results from the 2023 workforce survey of Nurses and Practice Centre Assistants (PCA).
Pinnacle delivers a number of reports into practice Healthlink folders (Medtech) or PHO folders (indici). Guides have been developed for some of these to help you locate the report in your Healthlink / PHO folder and to ensure the correct person in your practice receives it.
Any deaths of patients who are COVID-19 positive must be notified to your local medical officer of health.