A patient portal is a secure website which can receive and store patients' health information. The information, for example treatments received or medications, is uploaded via your PMS. It then allows other health providers or patients, depending on which tool is being used, to view a summary of the patient's health record.
Ultimately, the online patient portal will save you and your team time and money! Giving patients access to their medical records and personal information, and the ability to suggest corrections, can improve the accuracy of records.
A patient portal lets patients do things such as:
If the practice chooses to, the patient can also securely email their GP through the portal, and view their notes.
All patients should have access to the online patient portal, even if they do not see their GP very often. Patients never know when an emergency situation may arise where their basic medical information could be critical, such as blood type or any allergies. The online patient portal helps to give them piece of mind.
In the video linked below, guests Dr Will Reedy and Dr Jeff Lowe discuss the use of patient portals as a means of consumer empowerment and how to improve uptake of portals in New Zealand.
Hayley Scott, GP Owner writes on how she feels about making the shift to Health Care Home.
Read moreThis six-question quickfire survey, for all healthcare professionals working in primary care, aims to understand the current use of AI in general practice. Even if you don't use AI currently, please complete the survey to inform the initial benchmark. A webpage has also been established to give easy access to AI webinars and resources.
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