In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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2020 has been designated as the year of the nurse and the midwife by the World Health Organization. Pinnacle has committed to growing nursing leaders as part of this challenge, through the delivery of a bespoke leadership programme delivered over 10 consecutive weeks.
View resourceThe differences in the three nurse prescribing tiers highlighting the different roles and the requirements to achieve prescribing rights.
Helen Parker, Pinnacle chief executive, has interesting conversations with people around the network and her Pin Pods podcast is designed to share these conversations. In this chat with Wendy Harris, non-GP owner and business manager of Cambridge Medical Centre, Wendy discusses her non-GP journey into ownership and the benefits she thinks it's brought to the practice.
In 2020 we offered a a tailor-made learning programme for Pinnacle practice managers and lead administrators.