In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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From support with new role implementation such as primary care assistants (PCAs) to mapping and redesign of current processes such as repeat prescribing processes, your local Pinnacle development manager can support your changing practice needs.
The practice management toolkit has been developed in response to the Pinnacle Workforce Survey findings from the reception and administration feedback. Some respondents found the health systems difficult to navigate, funding hard to understand and the business of general practices overwhelming.
The practice management toolkit provides tools and information to support practice managers, business managers and others involved with the management of general practice.
Risk management is a key function of best management practice, at the strategic and operational levels of your practice.
An introduction to the dashboard and details on how to get set up.
By developing new roles, we are able to re-allocate tasks that might otherwise be done by GPs and nursing staff. This can help patients to receive care in a timely fashion, from the right person first, while freeing up time for clinical staff to do what they’ve been trained for.
Regional Pinnacle practice management hui (meetings) are open to those managing general practices, usually the practice managers, businesses managers and CEOs. Admin leads may also be interested in these hui.
We are not here to replace your current HR support, but to add value where we can. Currently we proactively support practices in a range of ways and respond to adhoc enquiries. We believe we can continue to offer you great learning opportunities and practical HR solutions that are relevant to your practice needs.
We have three full-time and two part-time staff in the nurse lead space across the Pinnacle network. They work as a team to support over 450 nurses (Waikato, Lakes, Taranaki, Tairāwhiti) with a key focus on growing and supporting our nursing kaimahi (staff).
The Trust has established a facility development fund specifically to provide support in the form of grants for practices in the network that are investing in new buildings or upgrading their practice facilities.
Pinnacle’s Regional Rural Advisory Group (RRAG) brings the voice of rural teams, GPs, nurse practitioners into the governance of resources specifically provided to help address the needs of our rural communities.