In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss keratitis, syphilis, B12 and metformin, and more.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss diverticulitis, new free resources available through Healthpathways, a financial benefits WINZ resource, and more.
Advice and resources to assist you in offering virtual care.
Dr Jo Scott-Jones and Dr Dave Maplesden discuss not using ACE and ARB and statin use in pregnancy, monitoring lithium drug interactions, shared care clozapine and more.
N95 masks are recommended for clinicians to use whenever they feel at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other airborne infectious disease such as measles.
Any deaths of patients who are COVID-19 positive must be notified to your local medical officer of health.
Discussion about using the COVID-19 clinical care module.
Pinnacle has adopted an explicit position against anti-vaccination messages within its contracted providers, as outlined in the internal policy for Pinnacle employed/contracted clinicians.
Te Ao with Moana is a current affairs show that examines national and international stories through a Māori lens. In this informative 12 minute clip, Dr Rawiri Jansen and clinical immunologists Dr Anthony Jordan and Dr Maia Brewerton explore why some people are nervous about COVID-19 - and are just as anxious about the vaccine.