In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss a new prostate cancer care pathway, FIT testing and colorectal symptoms, infrequent zoledronate from early menopause, and more.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss keratitis, syphilis, B12 and metformin, and more.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss deprescribing, fever in children, pain management and more.
Dr Jo Scott-Jones and Dr Dave Maplesden discuss prescribing, concussion, a new emergency procedure for cardiac arrest known as double sequential external defibrillation (DSED), and more.
Dr Jo Scott-Jones and Dr Dave Maplesden discuss not using ACE and ARB and statin use in pregnancy, monitoring lithium drug interactions, shared care clozapine and more.
Dr Jo Scott-Jones and Dr Dave Maplesden discuss syphilis, verifying death, opioid prescribing and more.
All general practitioners in a Pinnacle practice join Pinnacle Incorporated as a member. This ensures the organisation continues to have a grass roots, GP led focus.
National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) screening updates.
The Foundation programme represents a collection of legislative, regulatory and clinical requirements for all general practices in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Jo Scott-Jones and Dave Maplesden discuss empagliflozin and ketoacidosis, decision to fund fosfomycin in the community, latent autoimmune diabetes and more.