In this resource library we share documents, presentations, forms, videos and useful links from Pinnacle and the wider sector.
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A guide for clinical management of type 2 diabetes, including information from a variety of sources. The guide is intended to support nurses at all levels to develop their knowledge and clinical reasoning in diabetes care.
A guide for clinical management of type 2 diabetes, including information from a variety of sources. The guide is intended to support nurses at all levels to develop their knowledge and clinical reasoning in diabetes care.
MidCPG is located in Hamilton and has 100% membership of all community pharmacies across the Midland Region (Waikato, Rotorua, Taupō, Turangi and Tairāwhiti). It offers the following services via community pharmacies (free to patients).
The Medical Council of New Zealand and PHOs nationally have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that clarifies roles and responsibilities related to the regulation of doctors in New Zealand.
The Ministry of Health and the Department of Internal Affairs partnered to develop Death Documents, an online service which allows doctors and nurse practitioners to complete these forms online.
The Ministry has reviewed the cold chain documents and the National Standards for Vaccine Storage and Transportation for Immunisation Providers 2017 along with the Cold Chain Accreditation documentation.
This export includes the service utilisation and clinical event data. This data is a requirement of the PHO agreement and is used for a small number of practices to populate their quality reporting data.
The Children's Act came into effect on 1 July 2015. Learn what is in a worker safety check, download resources to help with this and learn more about our police vetting service.
Facebook can deliver messages and direct people to useful information - relatively quickly, easily and at a low cost. Here are a few tips, tricks and things to consider when using Facebook in your practice...
A guide for clinical management of type 2 diabetes, including information from a variety of sources. The guide is intended to support nurses at all levels to develop their knowledge and clinical reasoning in diabetes care.