In this section we share important news and updates from Pinnacle and the practice network.
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A group of new graduate nurses recently attended an orientation day as part of Pinnacle’s longstanding nurse graduate programme, a unique initiative designed to support and strengthen the primary care nursing workforce.
Read morePinnacle welcomes the focus on strengthening primary care access, investment in general practice, and commitments to digital health infrastructure.
Read moreYesterday’s announcement in funding to boost primary care nursing is a well-deserved and much-needed investment in the sector. This initiative will help strengthen the workforce, improve access to care, and support the communities that rely on us.
Read morePinnacle welcomes the lowering of the age of eligibility for free bowel screening to 58 as a positive step toward earlier cancer detection, however, reallocating funding from the targeted Māori and Pasifika programme is inherently inequitable.
Read morePinnacle welcomes the government’s announcements this week of increased funding and workforce initiatives for general practice. Primary care is under immense pressure, with workforce shortages and financial constraints making it harder for practices to provide timely care.
Read moreThe purpose of this funding is to establish a regular after-hours Waikato immunisation service, for childhood immunisations, in the evening (e.g. 5-7pm) or at weekends.
Read morePinnacle Midlands Health Network has been acknowledged with the highest rating in a Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand cultural audit for its “alignment with Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and commitment to improving Māori health outcomes”.
Read morePinnacle is pleased to share this mobile plan offer developed with Spark Health as part of their ongoing commitment to support and mobilise the Aotearoa New Zealand health sector.
Read morePinnacle is excited to reopen Kia Puāwai (our Māori and Pasifika Education Fund) for 2025. This fund, with a value of $15,000 (up to $5,000 each for up to three people), has been created to tautoko the continuous development and career progression of our Māori, and now also Pasifika, workforce.
Read moreOn behalf of Hauraki PHO, NHC and Pinnacle, we are seeking kaimahi, working in primary and community care who are interested in further education skills development or study support.
Read moreDrive-throughs aren’t just for fast food — they’re now making healthcare quicker and more accessible too.
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